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Contact Stages

We have set stages to help normalize a contacts progress through a campaign.

Michael Benson avatar
Written by Michael Benson
Updated over a week ago

No matter what the email copy you're using or product you're promoting, when doing outreach there are some typical "stages" a contact goes through throughout their lifecycle. We built these stages into our platform to help keep track of where a contact is in their lifecycle.

  • Reviewing: The contact is pending review by someone on your team. This can be "approved"/"reviewed" within the review tab on the campaign. Once approved/reviewed the contact will move to the Untouched stage.

  • Untouched: You have not contacted this contact in the campaign yet.

  • Prospecting: A contact is in the middle of an email drip sequence and has not replied, bounced or been stopped.

  • Replied: The contact has replied to your campaign,

  • Unresponsive: The contact has gone through all email drips and never replied back nor an email bounced.

  • Do Not Contact: This contact either unsubscribed via the unsubscribe url or manually asked via email reply to not be contacted.

  • Bad Contact Info: There was an email bounce on this user.

  • Interested: The contact replied and indicated that they are interested in your product/service/offering.

  • Not Interested: The contact replied and indicated that they are NOT interested in your product/service/offering.

  • Nurture: The contact replied and indicated that they are interested not in your product/service/offering right now, but you are open to contact them in the future.

  • Excluded: This is a contact that was excluded from outreach based on your domain exclusion list and rules.

Our system will automatically mark contacts as Untouched, Prospecting, Replied, Unresponsive , Excluded and Bad Contact Info, but you can adjust these stages manually as well via the contacts view within the campaign.

Note: We are also thinking of building stages that you can create yourself - if you have interest in this feature please let us know the use case!

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